Welcome to
Department of English, S.E.S. College
The Department of English of S.E.S. College endeavours to augment the language skills of students and provide opportunities to delve into their creative and artistic talents. Students are trained to excel in life by refining themselves through productive ruminations on the potentialities of art and literature and its proactive influence on life.
The Department is one of the oldest departments of the college and was established in 1981 with Dr.Tessy K. George as the Head. The history of the Department spans for almost four decades. The Department started offering Undergraduate Degree Programme in English Language and Literature in accordance with the Curriculum of Kannur University, Kerala since 2001. The current staff strength of the department is 5
Along with the Core courses, the Programme also includes Common courses, Complementary courses, an Open Course and Elective courses which aim to familiarize students with reflections on various contemporary social issues.